Dr. Slump (Japanese: Dr.スランプ, Hepburn: Dokutā Suranpu) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. It was serialized in Shueisha‘s anthology magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1980 to 1984, with the chapters collected into 18 tankōbon volumes. The series follows the humorous adventures of the little girl robot Arale Norimaki, her creator Senbei Norimaki, and the other residents of the bizarre Penguin Village. The manga was adapted…
Futari Ecchi (Japanese: ふたりエッチ, Hepburn: Futari Etchi) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Katsu Aki. It has been serialized in Young Animal since 1997, with the chapters later combined into tankōbon volumes by Hakusensha, of which to date there are eighty-five. The series follows a newlywed couple in their mid-twenties, both virgins when they married, and chronicles their sexual explorations. The manga combines erotic elements…
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is a Japanese manga series written by Ukyō Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto, and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto. It began monthly serialization with Kodachi as writer and Kishimoto as editorial supervisor in Shueisha‘s shōnen manga magazine, Weekly Shōnen Jump, in May 2016 and was transferred to Shueisha’s monthly magazine, V Jump, in July 2019. In November 2020 Kodachi stepped down, with Kishimoto taking over as…
Astro Boy, known in Japan by its original name Mighty Atom (Japanese: 鉄腕アトム, Hepburn: Tetsuwan-Atomu, lit. ’Steel-Armed Atom’), is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka. It was serialized in Kobunsha‘s Shōnen from 1952 to 1968. The 112 chapters were collected into 23 tankōbon volumes by Akita Shoten. Dark Horse Comics published an English translation in 2002. The story follows Astro Boy, an android young boy with human emotions who is created by Umataro Tenma…
Bastard!!: Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy (Japanese: BASTARD!! -暗黒の破壊神-, Hepburn: Basutādo!! Ankoku no Hakaishin, lit. “Bastard!! The Dark God of Destruction”) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kazushi Hagiwara. It began its serialization in Shueisha‘s Weekly Shōnen Jump in 1988, and has continued irregularly in Ultra Jump since 2000, with its latest chapter released in 2010. Twenty-seven collected tankōbon volumes have been released as of 2012. The manga was formerly…
Shaman King (Japanese: シャーマンキング, Hepburn: Shāman Kingu) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiroyuki Takei. It follows the adventures of Yoh Asakura as he attempts to hone his shaman skills to become the Shaman King by winning the Shaman Fight. Takei chose shamanism as the main theme of the series because he wanted a topic that had never been attempted before in manga. The Shaman…
Devilman (Japanese: デビルマン, Hepburn: Debiruman) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Go Nagai. The manga focuses on a high school student named Akira Fudo who absorbs the powers of the demon called “Amon” with help of his friend Ryo Asuka in order to battle creatures hidden in human society, thus calling himself the “Devilman” in the process. The series was originally ordered…
Oh My Goddess! (Japanese: ああっ女神さまっ, Hepburn: Aa! Megami-sama), or Ah! My Goddess! in some releases, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kōsuke Fujishima. It was serialized in Kodansha‘s seinen manga magazine Monthly Afternoon from September 1988 to April 2014, with its chapters collected in 48 tankōbon volumes. The series follows college sophomore Keiichi Morisato and the goddess Belldandy who moves in with him in a Buddhist temple; after Belldandy’s sisters Urd and Skuld move in with them, they encounter…
Saint Seiya (Japanese: 聖闘士星矢セイントセイヤ, Hepburn: Seinto Seiya), also known as Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac or simply Knights of the Zodiac (translated from the French title Les Chevaliers du Zodiaque), is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masami Kurumada. It was serialized in Shueisha‘s shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1986 to 1990, with its chapters collected in 28 tankōbon volumes. The story follows five mystical warriors called the Saints who fight…
Fairy Tail is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima. It was serialized in Kodansha‘s Weekly Shōnen Magazine from August 2006 to July 2017, with the individual chapters collected and published into 63 tankōbon volumes. The story follows the adventures of Natsu Dragneel, a member of the popular wizard guild Fairy Tail, as he searches the fictional world of Earth-land for the dragon Igneel. The…
The Chosen Ones vs The Vampire https://imangayou.com/manga/the-chosen-ones/
Prisoners-Freedom. The Chosen Ones