Madara (manga)

MADARA is a Japanese manga series written by Eiji Ōtsuka and illustrated by Shou Tajima. Originally published from 1987 to 1994, it is set in a mythological era in Japan and tells the story of Madara, a goodhearted teenage boy who uses fantastic prosthetic limbs called “gimmicks” and a legendary sword to fight his own father, the evil overlord Miroku. The franchise has…

X (manga)

X, also known as X/1999, is a Japanese manga series created by Clamp, a creative team made up of Satsuki Igarashi, Nanase Ohkawa, Tsubaki Nekoi, and Mokona. It premiered in Kadokawa Shoten‘s Monthly Asuka shōjo manga magazine in May 1992 and ran there until it went on hiatus in March 2003; it has yet to be concluded. The story takes place at the end of days in the year 1999. The series…

Galaxy Express 999 (manga/anime/film/video game)

Galaxy Express 999 (銀河鉄道999スリーナイン, Ginga Tetsudō Surī Nain) is a Japanese manga series. It is written and illustrated by Leiji Matsumoto, later adapted into a number of anime films and television series. It is set in a spacefaring, high-tech future in which humans have learned how to transfer their minds and emotions with perfect fidelity into mechanical bodies, thus achieving practical immortality. The…

Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?! (manga)

Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?! (Japanese: 30歳まで童貞だと魔法使いになれるらしい, Hepburn: Sanjūsai made Dōtei Da to Mahōtsukai ni Nareru rashii) is a Japanese boys’ love (BL) manga series by Yuu Toyota. A live-action television drama adaptation began airing on October 9, 2020, as part of TV Tokyo‘s MokuDra 25 programming block. Plot Having never had sex in his life, after Kiyoshi Adachi reaches his…

Dr. Slump (manga)

Dr. Slump (Japanese: Dr.スランプ, Hepburn: Dokutā Suranpu) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. It was serialized in Shueisha‘s anthology magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1980 to 1984, with the chapters collected into 18 tankōbon volumes. The series follows the humorous adventures of the little girl robot Arale Norimaki, her creator Senbei Norimaki, and the other residents of the bizarre Penguin Village. The manga was adapted…

The Defeat of the Vampire…

The Chosen Ones vs The Vampire

A new Friend…

Prisoners-Freedom. The Chosen Ones

Who Gives the Orders?!

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