Baku Tech! Bakugan (manga)

Baku Tech! Bakugan (Japanese爆TECH! 爆丸) is a manga series written and illustrated by Shingo. In Japan, the comics have been published in Shogakukan‘s Monthly CoroCoro comics since September 2010. The manga follows the adventures of Harubaru Hinode and his childhood friend and rival, Raichi Kuronashi, as they battle with their BakuTech, which are superior to normal Bakugan due to special metal parts.


Baku Tech! Bakugans was serialized in the Monthly CoroCoro comics, where the chapters do not have names, but rather chapter numbers instead. The chapter names only appear in the shinsōban manga volumes.

The individual chapters are collected by Shogakukan in a series of shinsōban volumes. The first volume was released on December 24, 2010. The last volume was released on February 28, 2014.


An anime adaptation had been green-lit. The series premiered in TV TokyoTV OsakaTV AichiTV HokkaidoTV SetouchiTVQ Kyushu Broadcasting on April 7, 2012 as part of the Oha Coro POP programme.

Baku Tech! Bakugan Gachi television series premiered in TV Tokyo from April 6, 2013 to December 28, 2013 as part of the Oha Coro POP programme, followed by TV Setouchi and TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting on 2013-04-13.


Baku Tech! Bakugan
Baku Tech B.jpg

Cover of the first manga volume
爆TECH! 爆丸
(BakuTech! Bakugan)
Written by Shingo
Published by Shogakukan
Magazine CoroCoro Comic
English magazine Co-Co! (Hong Kong)
Demographic Children
Original run August 15, 2010 – January 15, 2014
Volumes 10
Anime television series
Directed by Takao Kato
Produced by Tetsuo Uchida
Written by Mayori Sekijima
Music by Shuhei Naruse
Studio Shogakukan Music & Digital Entertainment
Original network TV Tokyo
Original run April 7, 2012 – March 30, 2013
Episodes 51 (List of episodes)
Anime television series
Baku Tech! Bakugan Gachi
Directed by Junji Nishimura
Produced by Tetsuo Uchida
Written by Mayori Sekijima
Music by Shuhei Naruse
Studio Shogakukan Music & Digital Entertainment
Original network TV Tokyo
Original run April 6, 2013 – December 28, 2013
Episodes 39 (List of episodes)

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