Kakashi (manga)

Kakashi (Japanese案山子, lit. Scarecrow), is a 2001 horror film based on the manga of the same name. The film follows Kaoru Yoshikawa, whose search for her missing brother Tsuyoshi leads her to Kozukata, an isolated village that seems to harbor dark secrets.


The opening text narrates the tradition of “Kakashi”, where humans would burn animal and human hairs to prevent evil spirits from entering Earth. They eventually began to burn human effigies made of straws as it also attracted the spirits of the dead so they can interact with them. Little did they know that it may bring consequences far greater than they thought.


Kakashi horror movie.jpg

Japanese movie poster
Genre Horror
Written by Junji Ito
Live-action film
Directed by Tsuruta Norio
Released 2001
Runtime 86 minutes

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